Class SpiderWebEnhancer

  extended by de.laures.cewolf.cpp.SpiderWebEnhancer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpiderWebEnhancer
extends java.lang.Object
implements ChartPostProcessor,

A postprocessor for changing details of a Meter plot.
interiorGap gap between plot and exterior boundary; default is 0.25, which means 25%
headPercent size of the actual dat points; default is 0.01, which means 1% of the plot size
startAngle angle at which to start drawing; default is 0
webFilled whether to fill the web with color, or just paint the outline; default is true
clockWise in which direction to rotate the data
orderByRow whether to interpret the data by rows or by columns
labelPaint the color of the labels; optional; default #000000 (i.e., black)
labelFontName font type of the labels; optional; default SansSerif
labelFontSize font size of the labels; optional; default 10
labelBold for the font type of the labels; true/false; optional; default false
labelItalic for the font type of the labels; true/false; optional; default false


<chart:chartpostprocessor id="thermometerEnhancer">
  <chart:param name="interiorGap" value="0.25" />
  <chart:param name="headPercent" value="0.01" />
  <chart:param name="startAngle" value="30" />
  <chart:param name="webFilled" value="true" />
  <chart:param name="clockWise" value="true" />
  <chart:param name="orderByRow" value="true" />
  <chart:param name="labelPaint" value="#FFFFAA" />
  <chart:param name="labelFontName" value="Serif" />
  <chart:param name="labelFontSize" value="14" />
  <chart:param name="labelBold" value="false" />
  <chart:param name="labelItalic" value="true" />

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void processChart(java.lang.Object chart, java.util.Map params)
          Processes a generated chart.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SpiderWebEnhancer()
Method Detail


public void processChart(java.lang.Object chart,
                         java.util.Map params)
Description copied from interface: ChartPostProcessor
Processes a generated chart. This method is called by the ChartProducer after a chart instance is generated and before it is rendered (if so). The ChartProducer is responsible for post processing a chart dependant on and only on the provided parameters. This means that the same parameters should result in the same postprocessings.

Specified by:
processChart in interface ChartPostProcessor
chart - the chart instance; only JFreeChart instances are supported
params - parameters passed to the postprocessor. These are defined in the JSP
See Also:

cewolf tag library - web charts with JFreeChart